Search Results for: network

The ROI of Private Cellular Networks in Enterprise Digital Transformation
As enterprises continue their digital transformation journey, private cellular networks are enhancing the ability to use, control, manage, and benefit from wireless connectivity at the LAN level in large spaces. In this webinar, we’ll highlight a range of projects — from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and smart cities — where private 5G and LTE are revolutionizing operations, optimizing resource allocation, and transforming customer experiences.


The ROI of Private Cellular Networks in Enterprise Digital Transformation
As enterprises continue their digital transformation journey, private cellular networks are enhancing the ability to use, control, manage, and benefit from wireless connectivity at the LAN level in large spaces. In this webinar, we’ll highlight a range of projects — from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and smart cities — where private 5G and LTE are revolutionizing operations, optimizing resource allocation, and transforming customer experiences.


Hacking LinkedIn Networking (The people skill, not the tech skill)
LinkedIn is a tool just like any other in the cyber professional’s toolbelt, however, for many, it’s only seen as a platform for OSINT or a place to regurgitate your resume in times of unemployment. Yet it can be so much more. My talk will focus on using skills cybersecurity professionals use every day to not only improve your personal profile page but to also thoughtfully craft and grow your professional network on LinkedIn in a strategic way. Together, these tools can better set the stage for future professional opportunities


New Independent Research Reveals DNS is Key to Network Security
Webinar featuring latest research from Forrester and a survey of over 200 elite security experts With the ever-present threat of Cyberattackers, it is essential to ensure that network infrastructure, users, and customer data be secured, no matter where that data is stored. Domain name systems (DNS) as a foundational network service is critical for connectivity, but cannot be overlooked as a first-level security control, especially in times of crisis and change, like the recent influx of home/remote workers. Infoblox commissioned Forrester Consulting to survey enterprise Security and Response (S&R) professionals and the results reveal that they most often use DNS to detect and block threats early in the kill chain, identify compromised devices, and accelerate incident investigation and response times by making it more efficient. This webinar will reveal the top findings from forward-looking enterprises that underscore the role of DNS in cybersecurity practices including: - The use of DNS as a starting point for threat investigations - The use of DNS security to catch modern threats - The use of DNS security to protect from cyberattacker techniques that other security tools miss - The use of DNS in automating and accelerating incident response.


Threat Intel for Computer Network Defence, Focus on Iran
Operationalising Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) helps mitigate risk by focusing people, processes, and technology on the threat activity that matters. Above all, it allows organisations to take a more proactive, structured, and holistic approach to security that reduces dwell time and shortens the time frame from detection to remediation. In today's dynamic threat environment, CTI it is critical to ensure you have an understanding of the adversaries you are hunting for and responding to. Join us as we look specifically at how cyber threat intelligence can help improve computer network defence (CND) operations. Our experts will share: • A review of FireEye’s Iranian relevant threat intelligence • Case studies that: •will provide examples of how Mandiant incident response consultants operationalise threat intelligence when responding to intrusions • will examine how operators can pivot from intelligence reporting to high confidence alerting and targeted threat hunting • Along with the MITRE ATT&CK framework to help decision makers improve their overall network security posture by prioritising security investments based on adversary capabilities • How intelligence enhances your overall cyber security investment and places your operations ahead of the threat


Threat Intel for Computer Network Defence, Focus on Iran
Operationalising Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) helps mitigate risk by focusing people, processes, and technology on the threat activity that matters. Above all, it allows organisations to take a more proactive, structured, and holistic approach to security that reduces dwell time and shortens the time frame from detection to remediation. In today's dynamic threat environment, CTI it is critical to ensure you have an understanding of the adversaries you are hunting for and responding to. Join us as we look specifically at how cyber threat intelligence can help improve computer network defence (CND) operations. Our experts will share: • A review of FireEye’s Iranian relevant threat intelligence • Case studies that: •will provide examples of how Mandiant incident response consultants operationalise threat intelligence when responding to intrusions • will examine how operators can pivot from intelligence reporting to high confidence alerting and targeted threat hunting • Along with the MITRE ATT&CK framework to help decision makers improve their overall network security posture by prioritising security investments based on adversary capabilities • How intelligence enhances your overall cyber security investment and places your operations ahead of the threat


Insights into Cloud Security | Future shock: The cloud is the new network
Insights into Cloud Security: Episode 1. Remove security barriers to faster public cloud adoption. Don’t miss what IT decision makers from around the world are saying about public cloud. See the report with the full global survey results for yourself, including the attitudes and opinions security professionals in the Americas, EMEA and APAC have about moving infrastructure to the public cloud, concerns restricting adoption, and the security and networking solutions being implemented to overcome them: •Which adoption barriers 95% of global respondents are looking to third-party providers to help them remove •How legacy technology, on-premises infrastructure and cyberattacks are influencing integrations •Why SD-WAN has emerged as the most popular solution for public-cloud security and networking Join Barracuda cloud security expert Richard Turner and Public Cloud Security Solutions Architect, Ravi Kapoor for a detailed analysis of the survey results, including how cloud and web-application firewalls, SD-WAN deployments, automated security-policy compliance, and other tools can strengthen your cloud-security strategy and posture in today’s evolving threat landscape.


Health-Related Social Needs and the Integrated Delivery Network
Join us as we discuss how Health-Related Social Need (HRSN) interventions and/or programs can be utilized to advance health equity through the lens of an integrated delivery network. We will discuss how leveraging a solid HRSN strategy can advance health equity, consider how value-based payment initiatives accelerate work relating to the HRSN, and how to drive more equitable health outcomes. We will wrap up the discussion with how to use technology to better collect, share, and analyze data.


Endpoint & Network: una visibilità completa in continua evoluzione
FireEye Endpoint & Network: una visibilità completa per architetture in continua evoluzione. Scopri la tecnologia premiata dai test del MITRE. Il Webinar “FireEye Endpoint & Network: una visibilità completa per architetture in continua evoluzione” fa parte di una serie di incontri settimanali intitolati: #FireEyeCyberTalks. Si terranno ogni giovedì, dal 21 maggio al 18 giugno, e ti offriranno contenuti stimolanti e approfondimenti da parte dei nostri esperti. Avere la possibilità di individuare i movimenti di un aggressore nel minor tempo possibile è la chiave per minimizzare gli impatti di un possibile incidente informatico. Le soluzioni di FireEye Endpoint & Network security integrano nativamente un sistema di condivisione degli Indicatori di Compromissione che permette di massimizzare la visibilità degli attacchi. Ad esempio, i Movimenti Laterali spesso compiuti tramite programmi di “Shadow IT” possono essere una delle ragioni a causa delle quali il tempo di identificazione di un attacco - il così detto Dwell Time - risulti particolarmente elevato: FireEye permette di ottenere una piena visibilità di tutte le fasi di un attacco, compresa appunto la fase dei Movimenti Laterali - sicuramente una delle più complesse da identificare. Inoltre, le informazioni di Threat Intelligence, integrate nelle soluzioni FireEye, permettono di capire rapidamente quali sono quegli incidenti a cui è assolutamente necessario dare seguito in tempi brevi. I test del MITRE, condotti simulando una compromissione Nation-State con le Tecniche Tattiche e Procedure (TTP) del gruppo APT29, hanno recentemente assegnato a FireEye il livello di punteggio più alto in termini di identificazione rispetto a tutti i gli atri competitor. In questo Webinar vedremo come i sistemi Endpoint e Network di FireEye possano mettere in sicurezza le più diverse architetture e sistemi. Prenota il tuo posto oggi #FireEyeCyberTalks


How to Mitigate Risk and Improve Operations with a Network Digital Twin
GigaOm analyst, Howard Holton and Forward Networks VP of product and UX, Chiara Regale will discuss how enterprises can use digital twin technology. This discussion will uncover: - How to reduce risk, improve operations and deliver meaningful ROI - How a digital twin increases visibility and enhances security in multi-cloud environments - Ways to prevent config drift or config misalignment using a digital twin - How a digital twin can shorten change windows