Search Results for: network

An introduction to DAMA – a global network of data management professionals
We nurture a community of data professionals in the UK, to manage data and information as a key asset. Our members have access to a range of materials to support their professional development. In this webinar we will introduce you to DAMA and how we can help you to develop your data management career. James Tucker will explain why the ONS joined DAMA and explain how the Govt Data Quality Framework is an example of the symbiotic relationship between DAMA and the ONS.


Storage Networking Security Series: Security & Privacy Regulations
Worldwide, regulations are being promulgated and aggressively enforced with the intention of protecting personal data. These regulatory actions are being taken to help mitigate exploitation of this data by cybercriminals and other opportunistic groups who have turned this into a profitable enterprise. Failure to meet these data protection requirements puts individuals at risk (e.g., identity theft, fraud, etc.), as well as subjecting organizations to significant harm (e.g., legal penalties). This webcast highlights common privacy principles and themes within key privacy regulations. In addition, the related cybersecurity implications are explored. Lastly, the session will probe a few of the recent regulations/laws to outline interesting challenges due to over and under-specification of data protection requirements (e.g., “reasonable” security). After viewing this webcast, attendees should understand: •How privacy and security is characterized •Data retention and deletion requirements •Core data protection requirements of sample privacy regulations from around the globe •The role that security plays with key privacy regulations •Data breach implications and consequences After you watch the webcast, check out the Q&A blog:


Webroot DNS Protection | Stop Threats Before They Hit Your Network
From websites that deliver malvertising to drive-by downloads that drop ransomware from a command and control server. Uncontrolled web usage is a huge risk for any business, no matter the size. But you can't just not use the internet. So how do you keep your business, end users and customers safe? -- With advanced web filtering at the DNS layer. Watch this video to see Webroot in action for yourself. Learn more at


Lockdown Lessons: Shoring up Your Business' Network and Security Policies
Ultimately, every business wants to best serve their clients and customers. They also want to grow successfully, increase profits, and create lasting relationships for long-term recurring revenue. But, in today’s cyber-climate, if you don’t have a good security setup, the chances you’ll get breached increase every day. That means all the customers who trust you will have their confidence shaken—no matter how good your products or services are. Whether you’re an SMB or MSP who serves other organizations, strong security needs to be at the core of your business. Join this webinar to learn a few simple security policies that will help you close security gaps and, ultimately, secure customer trust.


Platforma Bezpieczeństwa Palo Alto Networks - przykład wdrożenia
Podczas sesji będziemy mówić o dostępnych rozwiązaniach prewencyjnych i ich zastosowaniu w środowisku produkcyjnym klienta referencyjnego z sektora miejskich spółek komunalnych. Pokażemy jak w pełni wykorzystać firewalle nowej generacji aby zapewnić skuteczną ochronę rozproszonej infrastruktury sieciowej przeciw znanym i nie znanym zagrożeniom. Przedstawimy Państwu jak zbudować politykę bezpieczeństwa w oparciu o aplikacje i użytkowników.


Ubiquitous Healthcare Delivery: Get Your Network Ready for the Paradigm Shift
What keeps healthcare CIOs up at night? Fundamental changes are combining to drive interoperability, complexity, and security challenges to the top of their action lists. - Very active vertical and horizontal integration of new healthcare delivery providers into large and growing healthcare systems, driving a dynamic environment requiring a near constant flow of new users, new platforms, and new points of integration. - Growing number of connected devices and data systems used to facilitate healthcare delivery, creating its own unique connectivity and security issues for these platforms, while also impacting the broader health system’s IT design and operations. - Points of care are more geographically dispersed, even into the home. All these points of care have vastly different infrastructures, creating complex orchestration and interoperability challenges. In this webinar, we seek to examine these broad drivers of change, and relate them to specific use cases reflecting the challenges and possible solutions to the interoperability and security needs of the modern healthcare organization.


Data Privacy, Data Residency and the Modern Data Network
Join us for a webinar with Cloudflare, the security, performance, and reliability company, and OneTrust, the largest and most widely used privacy, security, and data governance technology platform. Our speakers John Graham-Cumming, CTO of Cloudflare, and Blake Brannon, CTO of OneTrust, will discuss the current state of data privacy, data residency considerations, and how OneTrust leverages Cloudflare’s widely distributed global cloud platform to bring to market innovative privacy-focused solutions.


Future IT Networks - Delivering the Hybrid Workforce an Insider's Guide
Initial crisis management during the onset of the pandemic saw many IT teams scrambling to deliver remote access to business-critical information and applications overnight as the workforce scattered. As the pandemic has endured the reliance on VPN systems has left companies with little control over the end-user experience, often resulting in essential cloud applications suffering from performance issues and real-time collaboration services often becoming unusable. In this video, Aspen Health and Aryaka discuss how they responded to the crisis and are developing long-term solutions that provide the increased flexibility the hybrid workforce needs for tomorrow and beyond. Join us in this real-world experience of some of the region’s leading IT professionals; delving further into the trending fully-managed remote worker and overall digital transformation requirements to support today’s “new normal”. Learn here about key areas: - Building a roadmap to navigate the change - Improving visibility and real-time collaboration - Adapting to the new workplace model supported by Cloud-Based Solutions - Practical insights when embarking on Cloud- First WAN journey


Enterprise Networks at an Inflection Point: The Motivations for Managed SASE
Explore in this live conversation with Dell'ORO and Aryaka why this new chapter on Hybrid Workplaces has created a new momentum on SASE deployments. Join us and learn:   - Which are new enterprise requirements to support the new work from anywhere era. - How to deploy an architecture that meets connectivity and security requirements of a highly distributed workforce. - Why traditional approaches fail in not providing the necessary flexibility and security. - What SASE is and what SASE is not, and different implementation approaches. Register now to participate.


Cyber Deception with MITRE Engage for Zero trust networks
Today’s advanced attackers are skilled at bypassing security controls using stealthy, human-operated tactics. Adding more detection technologies doesn’t necessarily help, as they just add to an overwhelming cacophony of low-fidelity alerts. Security teams need new and better strategies to address these threats. MITRE Engage is a new objective framework for adversary engagement, deception, and denial activities. The capabilities represented in this framework make up a new layer of defense that enables security teams to more accurately and completely detect and understand ongoing attacks, improving incident response times and decreasing risk. In this webinar, join experts from MITRE and Zscaler to talk about this framework and learn: - What are cyber deception and adversary engagement? - What is MITRE Engage? - How does deception fit into a zero trust architecture? - How do you integrate deception into your security toolkit? - What does deception look like in action?