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Palo Alto Networks Next Generation Endpoint Solution Traps™
Watch this webinar for an overview of Palo Alto Networks® Traps™ advanced endpoint protection and learn about this market-leading solution that provides multi-method protection against known and unknown threats. Hosted by Paul Wilcox, APAC Sales Director for Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Solutions Group, you will learn why Traps is the most effective solution on the market today to address the current threat landscape, including: •How it effectively prevent attacks against exploits and malware – such as ransomware •An overview of the unique approach Traps takes to endpoint security •How legacy antivirus is no longer effective enough •How Traps can replace your existing legacy antivirus software Included in this live webinar will be a live demonstration of Traps in action.


The Advantages of User ID/Awareness in Public Sector Network Security
To serve their citizens, federal/national, state and local governments must gather, create, or process sensitive information. As various high-profile breaches have demonstrated, this data is not sufficiently protected, particularly from the insiders whose actions are responsible for the majority of public sector security incidents. Traditional network security focuses on detecting outsiders attempting to steal data or disrupt network operations, but does little to monitor or limit the actions of legitimate users that make mistakes or deliberately misuse data. User and directory controls verify legitimate users, but they won't prevent accidental disclosure of sensitive data, exfiltration of sensitive data by legitimate users, or insiders with stolen credentials from accessing data. Preventing security incidents and protecting government information requires a comprehensive, organization-wide access approach that can accommodate the context of individual users, the data they need access to, and the limits on what they can do with that data. The Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Security Platform prevents security incidents while fully enabling user productivity by granting access contextually to those who need it, and denying it to all others. This, coupled with denying all applications that are not needed by the organization, immediately reduces a government organization’s threat posture. Join us to learn more.


Choosing the Right Fiber Optic Solutions for Enterprise LAN Networks
Fiber optic cable, hardware and connectivity are now mainstay solutions for enterprise LAN networks, from the campus network, up the riser and now in the horizontal, with more and more fiber to the edge optical LAN networks being deployed. But knowing which fiber optic cable, hardware, and connectivity to choose for each application can be difficult, especially with the very many options on the market today. From outside plant cable, be it direct buried, hung aerially, or installed in ducts, to fire rated cables for indoor or indoor/outdoor applications, installed in riser or plenum spaces, in ducts, cable trays or conduits, the options for fiber types and cable jackets are many. There are also many different methods for terminated fiber optic cables, from pre-terminated options to fusion splicing to field terminated connectors, and the many different tools that are needed for each method. Finally, choosing the right hardware and enclosures can be another chore, whether they be rack or wall mounted, or put into handholes or manholes, and all the different environmental conditions that need to be considered. The session helps designers, contractors, and end users to logically decide on which solutions are best suited for their applications and for each specific project, discuss the pros and cons of each methodology and help educate on some of the considerations that need to be included when choosing the right fiber optic solution for enterprise LAN environments.


Digital Transformation 2.0 Drivers and Disruptors: Is Your Network Ready?
The perspective on Digital Transformation to date has focused on the issues associated with traffic steering and other factors related to optimizing networks for enriched customer experiences, improved organizational communication, and improved efficiencies across the board. But, what’s next? Cloud computing, data analytics, social media, and mobility have helped organizations move more rapidly toward digital transformation, but how will emerging technologies create the next leap? How will virtual/augmented reality, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), advanced data analytics/predictive analytics come together, along with software-defined networking, to drive digital transformation efforts that will completely change the way networks and companies work? In “Digital Transformation 2.0 Drivers and Disruptors: Is Your Network Ready for the Future?” a free webinar from Comcast Business on Tuesday, December 18 at 1 p.m. EST, our panelists will look to the future, helping to unlock the possibilities these disruptive technologies might offer. • John Brzozowski, fellow at machineQ, a Comcast service. As Head of Engineering for Comcast machineQ, John and his team are responsible for core IoT technology development and infrastructure engineering, including architecture, design, and development for both software and hardware. • Zeus Kerravala, founder & principal analyst, ZK Research, provides a mix of tactical advice to help his clients in the current business climate and long-term strategic advice. In this webinar, we’ll cover: •IoT, AI, and virtual/augmented, and machine learning in infrastructure implementation •The power of predictive analytics, advanced business intelligence, and big data in leveraging decision-making •Cloud strategies, security needs, and risk management in a changing environment •The new infrastructure vision: Pulling it all together


Enhancing Subscriber QoE with Network Policy Automation and Machine Learning
Learn how Sandvine leverages network policy automation and machine learning to enhance subscriber QoE (Quality of Experience) via dynamic bandwidth allocation across service categories, in near-real time, by analyzing operator-expressed ‘intent’.


Hyperscale Network Security for the Post-Pandemic Era: Dealing with the unknown
A massive network traffic growth and changing business requirements can be a network security nightmare. It is no secret that appliances can’t scale to meet unpredictable traffic peaks, while upgrades take time and resources to acquire, configure, tune, and operate. So, what are the next steps in order for you to deal with the unknown in the coming years? Join a coffee break talk to: - Prepare for changes and meet the needs of the most demanding environments - Fully utilize all hardware resources and manage multiple logical gateways based on a single system for maximum efficiency - Learn with use case examples how you can seamlessly provision and add more resources, to build a robust and scalable distributed system First 100 UK IT specialists guests attendees to receive a Welcome Hyperscale IT gift box.


Best Practices for Providing Remote Access to Internal Apps and Networks
One of the best ways to empower your remote workforce is to provide them with the freedom and flexibility to get their work done efficiently, and with minimal risk. Did you know your Forcepoint NGFW can give your remote team access to internal web applications via their browser—without any expensive software or complex licenses? Or that your admins can manage your internal network for free, using Forcepoint VPN? In this webinar, you’ll learn how to make the most out of your NGFW while your team works remotely. We’ll show you: - Two different ways to set up application access for users and network access for admins - Things to keep in mind as you set up the Forcepoint Next Gen Firewall (NGFW) VPN capabilities - Forcepoint resources available to admins to help secure your remote workforce


Preparing for Converged Future: Virtualizing Your fixed & Mobile Access Network
In our future 5G world, your users will not only need to be connected all the time, they will also require access to fast, agile services. The question is: Will your network be ready to support multiple best-in-class wired and wireless access technologies? “Technology Convergence: Support Multiple Wired and Wireless Access Technologies” explores how virtualization allows for a converged access platform that simplifies management of your access network and lowers your overall system total cost of ownership. The webinar walks you through a working proof of concept developed by Intel, Casa Systems, and Kyrio that brings together vCCAP, vWAG, vEPC, and other VNFs running within an open-source NFVI. Addressed as well is how this solution can be expanded for other operator needs through flexible and generalized SDN/NFV principles.


Creating Flexible Network Automations with Data Parsing & Templating Features
Creating programming logic to work with the tremendous amount of data that must be parsed and generated as part of an automation workflow has become one of the biggest challenges network practitioners face. As the number of systems involved is only increasing in today’s hybrid, multi-domain networks, stare-and-compare or copy-paste techniques are no longer feasible options to generate new configurations from a set of data. Instead of building these functions from scratch and maintaining them manually over time, network automation engineers can utilize the Itential Automation Platform’s template features that leverage TextFSM and Jinja2 to visually create automation tasks that can parse data from device output and generate new data from templates. This provides you the ability to quickly create reusable tasks that can be used to build pre- and post-check processes, create multiple device configurations, or generate formatted output for use in other systems. In this live demo, Rich Martin, Director of Technical Marketing at Itential, will show you step-by-step how to: • Create, build, and test TextFSM templates. • Create, build, and test Jinja2 templates. • Build pre-check and post-check processes with templates. • Generate formatted output with data and templates in a workflow.


Network Automation Maturity: Evolving Task Automation to Process Orchestration
Individuals and teams that are ready to take the next step from networking and infrastructure task automation, are looking to evolve to the next phase of their network automation maturity – process orchestration. This takes automation a step further to encompass the full end-to-process surrounding networking tasks such as responding to or closing an IT ticket, performing configuration validation, and communicating with sources of truth. However, when assessing the best route to evolve teams quickly to this next stage, they realize that the tools which enabled their success in automating tasks lack the capabilities required to orchestrate end-to-end processes at scale. In this live webinar, Morgan Stern, VP of Automation Strategy and Rich Martin, Director of Technical Marketing at Itential, will walkthrough: • Why teams should consider process orchestration and the benefits it can bring. • The challenges and opportunities involved in the transition. • The challenges involved with moving to process orchestration from a task-based approach. • Lessons learned by teams who have successfully transitioned to process orchestration. • How Itential helps you evolve your automations to touch every part of the process with its patented integration capabilities. • The perspective of an engineer and what’s needed to evolve your automation efforts to encompass end-to-end processes. • The perspective of IT leaders and what’s needed to set your team up for process orchestration success.