Search Results for: network

The Art of Discovering and Documenting your Network with an EtherScope nXG
Documenting and mapping all the devices and connections on your network can be a daunting and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. This webinar will be a demonstration of how to use the NetAlly EtherScope® nXG to discover both wired and wireless devices on your network. We will also show you how to filter discovery information, drill down to specific devices, generate a topology map of the network through Link-Live™, and more. Join Mike Pennacchi, Network Analyst at Network Protocol Specialists, and learn the art of using an EtherScope nXG to document and map your network quickly and easily.


Building agile networks with Software-Defined Interconnection®
Running critical applications in the cloud requires new levels of security, predictability, and performance from your network. It also demands the same level of agility in your network as you get from your cloud. Attend this webinar and discover how with a Software-Defined Interconnection (SDI) can bridge the gap between what your business needs and what your network delivers. Paul Gampe, PCCW Global CTO and Neil Templeton, VP Digital Innovation Marketing, will be sharing their expertise on SDN and SDI for networking. - Find out what SDI is and what it can do for your network. - Understand how SDI can help mitigate common networking challenges. - Understand the strategic benefits and use cases of SDI. - Learn how to create private global bandwidth on-demand between networks, clouds and other businesses in a few clicks. earth Learn how to quickly get started with SDI. interconnection Learn how to deliver new speed and agility to your network.


Automating Cloud Network Infrastructure Provisioning & Management
Due to the rapid deployment of applications, enterprise networks teams today are faced with an increasing number of network change requests that must be completed in a short period of time. When these applications are deployed on a cloud platform like AWS, the rate of change requests and expectation for immediate results only increases which only puts more burden on network teams. To meet these demands, network teams need the ability to rapidly create automations that can operate with both traditional on-prem networks and newer cloud-native network infrastructure. By leveraging the Itential Automation Platform, you can easily integrate with any cloud platform at the API level to build automations that can provision and manage ANY cloud network infrastructure or service. In this live demo, you will learn how to: • Rapidly integrate Itential with AWS and other cloud platforms. • Understand cloud APIs and documentation for automations. • Create and modify foundational network elements like VPCs. • Create and modify interconnect services like Transit Gateways. • Query and update network services like DNS and Load Balancing.


How to identify and block threats with a secure cloud network
With the increased threat landscape of cloud deployments, customers are often unaware of compromised hosts which may be participating in data exfiltration and bot net operations left unchecked by traditional security constructs. At Aviatrix, we believe that network security belongs in the network, and that the most secure network is the one that you own. In this TechTalk, we will showcase how to obtain multi-cloud native network security that can enable every network node to provide traffic inspection and enforcement.


Enable Digital Transformation With the Right Network Infrastructure
The ability to connect networks together is the single most important thing to enable digital transformation. This session will focus on everything you need to know to streamline your network infrastructure and glean the most data and information from disparate and disconnected networks and devices. Digital transformation involves converting data into useful information and sharing the information between OT and IT. Using advanced connectivity, new automation opportunities help control and configuration applications to run simultaneously on the same physical wire. Learn how to maximize your network and devices running control operations and add new devices without shutting the network down. These new networks allow your printers, video systems, and data analytic applications to co-exist on the same wire as your control system. Using new TSN (time-sensitive networking) technology, we will explore how you can maximize connectivity and disparate networks and disparate devices coexisting for the ultimate interoperability Key takeaways - How to maximize the efficiency of all your IT and OT networks, and how you can connect the IT and OT world while sharing data and information seamlessly. - How to maintain your network in the most efficient fashion and connect your legacy devices and legacy networks to the new network technology in a seamless fashion. - The importance of data and the multitude of opportunities to get data out of your plant floor and other facility operations, which will enable you to maximize the efficiency of your operations. - How you can maintain your assets and add/delete/modify their configuration to obtain data without impacting the operations of your plant.


Enable Digital Transformation With the Right Network Infrastructure
The ability to connect networks together is the single most important thing to enable digital transformation. This session will focus on everything you need to know to streamline your network infrastructure and glean the most data and information from disparate and disconnected networks and devices. Digital transformation involves converting data into useful information and sharing the information between OT and IT. Using advanced connectivity, new automation opportunities help control and configuration applications to run simultaneously on the same physical wire. Learn how to maximize your network and devices running control operations and add new devices without shutting the network down. These new networks allow your printers, video systems, and data analytic applications to co-exist on the same wire as your control system. Using new TSN (time-sensitive networking) technology, we will explore how you can maximize connectivity and disparate networks and disparate devices coexisting for the ultimate interoperability Key takeaways - How to maximize the efficiency of all your IT and OT networks, and how you can connect the IT and OT world while sharing data and information seamlessly. - How to maintain your network in the most efficient fashion and connect your legacy devices and legacy networks to the new network technology in a seamless fashion. - The importance of data and the multitude of opportunities to get data out of your plant floor and other facility operations, which will enable you to maximize the efficiency of your operations. - How you can maintain your assets and add/delete/modify their configuration to obtain data without impacting the operations of your plant.


How to Build an Outcome-Driven SD-WAN Network
The rapid evolution of SD-WAN is driving an increased demand for configuration simplicity and network intelligence by network professionals. In addition, the common challenges inherent in today’s enterprise network infrastructure introduces a level of complexity that can often prevent the desire to adopt new solutions or processes. But the adoption of an Outcome-Driven SD-WAN network strategy enables intelligence for Cloud VPN connections, segmentation and traditional routing, radically easing both the short-term and long-term burden of network management. This webinar will discuss: - What is Outcome-Driven Networking? - How to integrate SD-WAN into your existing WAN environment - Simplifying Outcome-Driven SD-WAN network configurations and enabling intelligent routing


Extending your network security from HQ to everywhere on Earth
The shift to cloud applications and remote work imposes fundamentally different requirements on network security. The Internet is your new corporate network and security needs to evolve from appliances and choke points to a ubiquitous cloud-based service. Join this webinar to learn how you can transform your security architecture and take advantage of cloud-native network security-as-a-service from Cloudflare. In this webinar you will learn about: - hybrid network architectures for the modern enterprise - the shifts in network security requirements driven by the cloud and remote work - how network security-as-a-service can help you maintain a consistent security posture in the hybrid work era.


Extending your network security from HQ to everywhere on Earth
The shift to cloud applications and remote work imposes fundamentally different requirements on network security. The Internet is your new corporate network and security needs to evolve from appliances and choke points to a ubiquitous cloud-based service. Join this webinar to learn how you can transform your security architecture and take advantage of cloud-native network security-as-a-service from Cloudflare. In this webinar you will learn about: - hybrid network architectures for the modern enterprise - the shifts in network security requirements driven by the cloud and remote work - how network security-as-a-service can help you maintain a consistent security posture in the hybrid work era.


Is Network Evidence Really Needed for Security Operations?
Networks are the transport fabric for all IT however in the modern world they have become harder to access and monitor. Attackers inevitably leave traces on the network, and for this reason defenders understand the value of high-quality network evidence. But given the rise of encryption, digital transformation, Zero Trust architectures, and SASE… is it even feasible to collect network evidence anymore? Maybe we should throw in the towel and do without it? On 13 December 2022 at 1:00 GMT Corelight and (ISC)2 make the argument that network evidence has never been more relevant to security operations teams, but our techniques for gathering and analysing it need to evolve as application architectures and access patterns continue to change. Network evidence needs to be readily available within cloud-native architectures such as Kubernetes, and it should offer insight even when the traffic being analysed must remain encrypted. We need a revolution in thinking about the ways and means by which network evidence can be collected. In some sense the boundaries between host and network may dissolve.