Search Results for: network

Cloud Security & Network Convergence Strengthens Attack Response
Aviatrix recently published research from its 2024 Secure Cloud Networking Field Report, stating that more than twice as many cloud network outages were caused by firewalls than by cyber-attacks last year. These escalating outages are strongly driving a trend among enterprises to unite cloud networking and cloud security under one roof, with the goal of bolstering network security across the board. Join this Fireside Chat, recorded at the RSA Conference, to hear Enterprise Strategy Group Principal Analyst, Network Security & Web Application Security, John Grady and CEO of Aviatrix Doug Merritt discuss how and why cloud security and cloud networks are converging in 2024. Key takeaways include: • Analysis of Aviatrix’s Distributed Cloud Firewall, which provides uncompromising cloud security by distributing inspection and enforcement, scalability, and agility • How GenAI will impact cloud operational challenges and the ever-evolving onslaught of cyber-attacks • Why enterprises are realizing they must consolidate cloud networking & security teams


Untether your corporate network with secure wireless and mobile access
Today’s workforce is mobile. Organizations are under pressure to provide employees with 24/7 access to network resources over any device from any location. However, enabling that access comes with risk. Join us to find out how you can embrace mobility and provide access to resources over wireless and mobile networks with the same level of security as your wired network. Join this webcast to learn: • The security risks involved with providing mobile access • How to protect data traveling across wireless and mobile networks • What components should be part of every mobility solution


Cloud-First Networking from Big Switch for the Hybrid Cloud Era
IT Organizations continue to face challenges due to silo'ed approach to hybrid cloud. Current on-prem data centers have completely different style of networking and governance processes compared to networking in public cloud. With silo'ed teams managing these disparate environments, there are greater complexity and constraints in application deployment, higher costs, and longer deployment cycles. Big Switch Networks has pioneered a Cloud-First approach which completely re-imagines hybrid cloud networking to enable consistency and control across on-prem and any public cloud (AWS, Azure or GCP). It brings public cloud’s virtual private cloud (VPC) based logical networking construct for on-prem networking (enterprise cloud networking) to deliver network automation and visibility for enterprise workloads. In addition, by extending control, governance and visibility to public cloud VPCs, IT organizations can finally bring their hybrid cloud vision into reality. In this webinar we will discuss: 1)How Big Cloud Fabric implements VPC construct for network automation and visibility in on-prem (enterprise) cloud. 2)How Big Monitoring Fabric achieves end-to-end visibility and security for applications deployed both on-prem and in public cloud VPCs. 3)How Multi-Cloud Director enables unified hybrid cloud management across on-prem and multiple public clouds.


Research results: Assessing if your network is ready for digital transformation
Is your IT team prepared for digital transformation as other IT organizations? In this webinar, leading industry analysts, Dr. Jim Metzler and Steve Taylor will share the results of their landmark research, assessing enterprise network readiness for digital transformation. Dr. Metzler recently developed a unique network assessment model for digital transformation. Steve Taylor applied that model to more than 200 enterprises across the globe. Join us as they share their research with Dave Greenfield, technology evangelist at Cato Networks, and learn: - How to assess your own digital transformation readiness - The details behind the network assessment model - The key questions to ask when applying that model to your organization - What you need to do to determine if your network is ready for digital transformation


Research results: Assessing if your network is ready for digital transformation
Is your IT team prepared for digital transformation as other IT organizations? In this webinar, leading industry analysts, Dr. Jim Metzler and Steve Taylor will share the results of their landmark research, assessing enterprise network readiness for digital transformation. Dr. Metzler recently developed a unique network assessment model for digital transformation. Steve Taylor applied that model to more than 200 enterprises across the globe. Join us as they share their research with Dave Greenfield, technology evangelist at Cato Networks, and learn: - How to assess your own digital transformation readiness - The details behind the network assessment model - The key questions to ask when applying that model to your organization - What you need to do to determine if your network is ready for digital transformation


Did someone say Serverless? Enterprise cloud networking for Lambda functions
In this TechTalk Tuesday we will jump into how cloud networking teams are dramatically simplifying networking for application teams leveraging AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions to build full stack serverless applications. Learn how to leverage multi-cloud networking that provides operations teams the automation, visibility and control required to deliver network services at API speed. In the Tech Talk we will demonstrate: ° The simplicity of connecting a serverless function to your multi-VPC, multi-region or multi-cloud network ° The ability to build full stack applications leveraging cross-cloud serverless resources and data ° The enterprise-class automation, visibility and security Aviatrix delivers for your serverless apps


A Tale of Two Beacons: Detecting Implants at the Host and Network Levels
Cobalt Strike, a tool that support red teams in attack simulation exercises, provides several techniques to execute attacks that compromise a target network, establish a bulkhead in the network, and then move laterally to gain additional access to computers, accounts and, eventually, data. While the intention of Cobalt Strike was to provide a framework to test network defenses, the power provided by the tool was not lost on malicious actors. Given its dual nature and wide adoption by both sides of the security battlefield, it is not surprising that Cobalt Strike-related detections account for a substantial portion of alerts in most networks. This presentation discusses how Cobalt Strike’s abused components (especially the Beacon) can be detected at the host and network levels.


Evaluating Network Automation Solutions: Top Criteria to Consider
Selecting a network automation and orchestration solution that meets your organization’s needs can be difficult. As the number of tools that claim to enable network automation increases, it’s becoming more complex to determine the capabilities you need and select the right tool for the right job. When adopting a network automation solution, your organization needs to be sure that the investment is worthwhile — many options have challenging limitations which may only become clear down the line. That’s why it’s critical for organizations to understand what they’re trying to automate and build a cohesive strategy around it, so they can evaluate the right network automation solution to achieve their goals. In this webinar, Morgan Stern, VP of Automation Strategy at Itential, will share how organizations can evaluate the right network automation solution to implement for success. You’ll learn: • How to define the network change process and build an automation strategy that supports your business needs. • Which capabilities you should expect of any modern solution to help expose, enhance, and extend your automations. • The 10 most important criteria to consider when comparing and evaluating your network automation options and the right questions to ask for each. • Red flags to avoid and why.


Evaluating Network Automation Solutions: Top Criteria to Consider
Selecting a network automation and orchestration solution that meets your organization’s needs can be difficult. As the number of tools that claim to enable network automation increases, it’s becoming more complex to determine the capabilities you need and select the right tool for the right job. When adopting a network automation solution, your organization needs to be sure that the investment is worthwhile — many options have challenging limitations which may only become clear down the line. That’s why it’s critical for organizations to understand what they’re trying to automate and build a cohesive strategy around it, so they can evaluate the right network automation solution to achieve their goals. In this webinar, Morgan Stern, VP of Automation Strategy at Itential, will share how organizations can evaluate the right network automation solution to implement for success. You’ll learn: • How to define the network change process and build an automation strategy that supports your business needs. • Which capabilities you should expect of any modern solution to help expose, enhance, and extend your automations. • The 10 most important criteria to consider when comparing and evaluating your network automation options and the right questions to ask for each. • Red flags to avoid and why.


TechTalk | Stop Unseen Malicious Behavior in Your OCI Network
Native cloud networking obscures the visibility cloud security professionals need to successfully monitor network traffic. As a result, security engineers are faced with the challenge of stopping malicious behavior that they cannot see. Find out how Aviatrix Site2Cloud and OCI Dynamic Routing Gateway improves visibility, security, scalability, and reliability in your OCI network.