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ICS environments are typically “flat”, designed with a rudimentary security posture never intended to be connected to the corporate network nor the Internet for that matter. The trend towards connectedness persists and this, along with the rising ICS threat landscape has made ICS a prime target for cyberattacks. Stronger access controls are critical for managing the different attack surfaces. During this webinar you will hear from several ICS Networking and Security expert practitioners on how this connectedness can be securely and easily achieved: · What “Zero Trust” is, how it scales, and why you would want to deploy this in your ICS along with the idea of positive enforcement for your security policies. · How to bolster your network visibility and segmentation without having to do a “forklift” overhaul and reconfiguration of your existing infrastructure. · How the Palo Alto Networks platform can help you realize these concepts in a systematic, organized, and minimally disruptive way. Speakers: Lionel Jacobs, Sr. ICS Security Architect, Palo Alto Networks Information Security Architect, Major Food & Beverage Manufacturer Del Rodillas, Solution Lead for ICS & SCADA, Palo Alto Networks
Nov 17, 2015
Nov 17, 2015, 12:00 EST (17:00 GMT)

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