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Agility, always important to a business, has never been more critical to success in the application economy. As businesses strive to serve demanding customers amid rapidly changing conditions, they must quickly launch new applications and keep those applications running optimally. In the quest for agility, the ability to monitor and manage applications and the underlying IT infrastructure, including servers, storage, database, cloud services and a burgeoning array of network devices, is essential. Below par monitoring and management can severely hamper agility and an organization’s ability to compete. Broadcom is collecting your personal data when you submit such information as part of the BrightTALK registration process. Your personal data is processed according to Broadcom's Privacy Policy: When you interact with Broadcom, this serves as your authorization to BrightTALK to provide your contact information to Broadcom in order for Broadcom to follow up on your interaction.
Jun 19, 2015
Jun 19, 2015, 16:25 EDT (20:25 GMT)

This resource is no longer available.