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Network Operations and Analytics from CA Technologies is a big data network monitoring platform with full stack analytics for assuring traditional and software-defined networks. The solution converts inventory, topology, network fault, device metrics, flow, and packet analysis into actionable intelligence for network operations team. Join us for a live demo to see how the Network Operations and Analytics platform can help you unlock the full value of your Cisco software-defined environments. Broadcom is collecting your personal data when you submit such information as part of the BrightTALK registration process. Your personal data is processed according to Broadcom's Privacy Policy: When you interact with Broadcom, this serves as your authorization to BrightTALK to provide your contact information to Broadcom in order for Broadcom to follow up on your interaction.
Jul 18, 2017
Jul 18, 2017, 11:45 EDT (15:45 GMT)

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