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For decades, traditional MPLS was the only option to connect corporate branch environments. With those legacy networks comes a lack of choice in wired connectivity, speed and availability based on service provider metrics, and time-consuming, expensive truck rolls whenever something needs fixed. Today, branch networks are undergoing dramatic change that require organisations to rethink their legacy networks. Many IT professionals are currently asking themselves if 4G LTE is a viable option for branch networks, and whether or not they can trust wireless technology to keep their businesses connected and thriving. In this webinar, we will address a few misconceptions about wireless WAN in the enterprise, and discuss why 4G LTE is not only a practical option for your branch networks, but the most flexible, secure and reliable solution. Whether using cellular for primary, secondary, or hybrid WAN connectivity, 4G LTE plays a significant role in the modern branch network. What we’ll cover: - Traditional wired networks vs. USB modems vs. wireless 4G LTE connectivity - Current state of the WAN and trends in the market - Capabilities of 4G LTE & SD-WAN - Success stories from organisations in banking/finance, retail, and construction outlining use cases in pop-up networking, parallel networking, and failover.
Oct 29, 2020
Oct 29, 2020, 07:00 EDT (11:00 GMT)

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