ROC Maestro for Open Systems - Simplify Job Scheduling Administration

ROC Maestro for Open Systems consolidates job scheduling across UNIX, Windows and Linux systems within a very powerful, yet simple interface. This enables IT to easily track and manage schedules, tasks, job status and job history while speeding resolution of problems with flexible error detection and recovery. IT personnel can easily track their schedules of jobs and tasks with ROC Maestro for Open Systems. Job status can be immediately recognized by the display color, while quick views reveal jobs that are inactive, active, running, held, or require assistance. Remote administration, comprehensive logging and reporting, secure designation of users and groups further enhance the administrator's level of control. It's all built-in to lighten the load on IT, improve response times and increase service levels.
With ROC Maestro for Open Systems, resource constraints are not an issue. The lightweight, small footprint means you don't need a separate server or large external database to run ROC Maestro for Open Systems. What's more, the system's sophisticated GUI makes it all so easy to use. You'll protect your existing IT investments, ensure greater enterprise stability and save valuable administrative time and resources.
The ability to automate and monitor processes based on reusable calendars, events, cross-platform dependencies and reporting is so easy with ROC Maestro for Open Systems. It's all about getting the centralized control and visibility you need without constantly dealing with the subtle differences between platforms and applications.
A UNIX or Linux system serves as the scheduling master. The master can be administered by using its native GUI, logging into it remotely, or by installing the GUI of ROC Maestro for Open Systems that allows administration from a Windows PC.
Built-in schedulers provided within operating systems, databases or applications do not offer the centralized control and flexibility required to efficiently manage even the small enterprise. For example, it's expensive to maintain CRON on each and every server. It's a drain for IT to log into machine after machine, sifting through log files and scripts to track tasks that have no centralized scheduling, states or result information.
With limited security, no dependencies, prerequisites, auditing or reporting - built-in schedulers simply do not pass the cost vs. benefit analysis. Should you need to integrate processes and monitor and react to events in real time? Built-in schedulers simply do not provide the power you need.
If you're moving to open systems, ROC Maestro for Open Systems enables a smooth transition during this critical time. For those experienced with Maestro for MPE, ROC Maestro for Open Systems uses the same key ideas, concepts and flexible, reusable calendars that you're familiar with. This makes your migration straightforward and lowers your training and transition cost. What's more, should you need assistance, ROC Software is there with award-winning support and migration expertise as you make the important move to new technology platforms.