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Meeting the demands of the new digital consumer means that every business must become a digital business in order to be successful. This success demands a network transformation but today’s traditional networks and processes will not be able to cope with SDN/NFV network speed and complexity. So the question is - Are we really ready to track performance and fault in the new SDN/NFV networks? Recent research from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA)[1] reveals that two-thirds of early SDN adopters admit that their current infrastructure management investments are ill-prepared to support performance, availability and fault for SDN and NFV. Redefining SDN/NFV Assurance for tomorrow’s networks requires not just a technology change but an operational change as well. In this webinar, CA Technologies, a proud partner in the Intel Network Builders ecosystem, will discuss how to solve the assurance problems inherent in today’s infrastructure management solutions to get the most out of next-generation network investments. [1]'s-Networks:-The-Impacts-of-SDN-and-Network-Virtualization-on-Network-Management
Jun 16, 2016
Jun 16, 2016, 11:00 EDT (15:00 GMT)

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