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No longer do we live in a world where you can build your networks around expensive, proprietary pieces of hardware and software. Technology moves so fast that you need to be able to keep up, and that means changing your network on demand. But how can you achieve that kind of flexibility while still maintaining the crucial aspects of performance and reliability? In this webinar we'll look at the network agility provided by OpenStack, which enables you to gain all of the advantages of software defined networking and Network Functions Virtualization without having to compromise on basic requirements. We'll discuss: •How Mirantis OpenStack enables enterprise and telecom networking •The features your OpenStack distribution needs to enable NFV •Using DPDK and SR-IOV to enhance Virtual Network Function performance •Achieving a Highly Available OpenStack control plane with Multi-rack deployment
Jun 21, 2016
Jun 21, 2016, 13:00 EDT (17:00 GMT)

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