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Current world events are causing massive and unforeseen changes in traffic patterns, affecting end user experience and, ultimately, customer satisfaction. With the surge of remote working and heavy reliance on video conferencing and cloud applications, IT and network teams are feeling the pressure. Are you looking for new ways to proactively manage changing demands and user expectations of the network? Do you know how to get ahead of outages, network slowdowns and resolve performance problems before they affect your users? In this webinar you will see how active network monitoring can help you stay ahead of the curve and proactively assure end user experience and business productivity. We will also discuss ways to improve network performance despite substantial shifts in traffic patterns amidst the global migration to remote work. You will also see how Intel improves active network monitoring with network and virtualization technologies that improve performance and accuracy of measurements. Key Takeaways: •Prevent downtime by proactively monitoring the traffic shifts in your network and finding potential problems before they affect your end users •Maintain quality of service and quality of experience from core to edge with end-to-end, active monitoring to ensure seamless experiences for your end users •Understand capacity levels and stay on top of traffic shifts with real-time intelligence and high-quality, granular performance insight
Jul 16, 2020
Jul 16, 2020, 11:00 EDT (15:00 GMT)

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