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* Click on the video to see attachments pertaining to this webinar | Everyone is talking about 5G Private Network but what is it? How can Enterprise leverage this technology? What are the business benefits and why should I look into this? Join us to learn how Red Hat hybrid cloud technologies can help in this domain and support customer in there 5G Private Network journey. Then stick around for a fireside chat with Red Hat hybrid cloud technologies and Intel on the industry trends and Q&A. Presenters: - Michael Tadault, Chief Technologist Telco - Asia Pacific, Redhat - Thomas Sennhauser, Chief Technologist and Business Lead, Network and Communication Business APJ, Intel - Moderator: Christopher J. Tan, Global ISV Sales Account Manager, APJ, Intel
Oct 20, 2021
Oct 20, 2021, 01:00 EDT (05:00 GMT)

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