Presentation Transcript: Flash Technology in HPC, Let the Revolution Begin

In this eSeminar transcript from Sun Microsystems, hosted by Tech Target, leading technical experts will discuss Flash technology and it's effect in the HPC environment.
The inexorable availability of ever more CPU cores, and even more GFLOPS per core, mean HPC application performance will no longer be restricted by the CPU - but by getting data into and out of these fast processors. I/O has always lagged behind computation, being ultimately dependent on disk drives throttled by rotational rates limited by mechanical physics. With an exponential growth spurt of peak GFLOPs available to HPC system designers and users, the CPU performance to I/O gap will reach increasingly gaping proportions.
To bridge this gap, Flash is being deployed in HPC environments as a revolutionary technology that delivers faster time to solution for HPC applications at significantly lower costs and lower power consumption than traditional disk based infra-structures.
Read this one of a kind eSeminar transcript to discover more about flash technology from Sun Microsystems, Verari Systems, Fusion-io and Spansion. Hear first hand from these CTO's about flash technology and what it could do for your HPC environment