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Data de-duplication is a very important topic because it really changes the way we perform backups. For years users have backed up to tape not because it was the best solution because it was really the only cost effective option available. Disk was simply too expensive to deploy in significant quantities. In fact the cost delta between tape and disk was so great for so many years that users really had no choice but to overlook the inherent flaws of tape, complexity, unreliability and slow performance and deploy it widely throughout their organizations.

Welcome everyone to the first of a two-part ESG e-Seminar Series on data de-duplication. In part one, Tony Asaro, ESG Senior Analyst and Heidi Biggar ESG analyst will discuss the various technology considerations when applying data de-duplication technology to disk backup.

EMC Backup and Recovery Solutions
Feb 8, 2021
Jan 14, 2010
Presentation Transcript

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