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Business-critical applications are the essential programs on which your organization depends to get work done. These applications directly affect the company’s ability to generate revenue and stay in business. They play a key role in making employees more productive and in keeping customers satisfied. For these reasons, your organization must carefully decide which platform to use for running these vital applications.
Operating in today’s challenging economic climate and in a competitive business environment, organizations need to extract a greater return on their IT investments while maintaining or increasing the level of reliability, availability, and serviceability. Moving business-critical applications from expensive, proprietary server architectures to cost-effective industry-standard architectures can be an easy way to provide equal or greater performance at a lower total cost.
The combination of an Intel Xeon processor and a Windows® operating system is an industry standard, proven platform for running business-critical applications, and many companies are making the switch. Read this paper to learn about the benefits of Intel® Xeon® Processors and Windows Server® 2008 R2 for Business-Critical Applications.