New applications and an evolving organizational environment drive enterprise bandwidth growth and a need for predictable, stable, real-time performance. A new generation of enterprise application Web front-ends and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings, plus the move to direct-to-Internet branch connections are shifting where optimization and security services must be delivered. Faced with budget and staffing issues, enterprise interest in managed optimization for WAN and Internet traffic is growing, and among managed service providers, carriers are well positioned to offer such services. As profit margins shrink on services that become commoditized, such as connectivity itself, service providers must move “up the stack” to add value and find new revenues. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can inject application awareness into their services as their next value-add and as a critical differentiator. Anyone offering managed services, either on-premise, in the cloud or as a hybrid solution, must build application awareness into their infrastructures from the bottom up.