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There are many essential elements to keep in mind when considering upgrading a Premise Platform. As the cost of business continues to rise, and operating and resource budgets decline, many Fortune 1000 companies are looking for alternatives to managing the large capital expenditures and infrastructures they are maintaining today. By taking advantage of an established Voice XML platform (VXML) to manage infrastructure scale and support, companies are freeing up IT dollars and resources to focus on what matters: creating best-in-class customer experiences with next-generation IVR applications.

How do you prepare to deliver a comprehensive Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering? You need to understand the latest research on PaaS as it relates Hosted VXML implementations and how you are able to build your business case by formulating Total Cost of Ownership.

This informative presentation transcript will provide you with key information necessary to execute a comprehensive PaaS strategy, including:

  • Recent trends
  • Key considerations for PaaS offerings
  • Total Cost of Ownership Model
  • Hosted VXML features
  • Developer-To-Develop support
West Interactive
Feb 8, 2021
Jul 30, 2010
Presentation Transcript

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