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Many organizations see employee training as a discretionary investment. When times are tough, it’s often the first thing to go. But as I firmly believe — and as research proves — a downturn is precisely the wrong time to cut your training budget. Instead, businesses must hunker down and invest only in activities that will pay off in the long run. Education is one of those investments. Your company needs to be stronger and leaner in the upturn, and only with well-trained, flexible, and resourceful employees can you make this transition a successful one.

That doesn’t mean, however, that your organization should think of education in only the traditional, classroom-based sense. This paper will explain how education and training programs from SAP are now offered in a wide variety of delivery options to meet the needs of today’s workforce. This paper will also introduce you to the flexible training options now available from SAP, as well as some innovative new offerings just released in the last few months.

SAP America, Inc.
Feb 8, 2021
Sep 28, 2010
White Paper

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