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Within any business, a number of applications exist that are critical to the success of the business. As a result, these applications and the systems they run on require a higher level of availability.

The trade off with increasing application availability through traditional high availability clustering is an additional cost in terms of redundant hardware, clustering software/support, and additional complexity. Increased management costs are also realized due to the need to maintain multiple systems that are identical in configuration and patch levels. Operationally, it is extremely difficult to deploy a limited number of spare servers to provide redundancy for a larger set of applications due to difficulties with application compatibility, server patch levels, and so on. This typically results in the use of small two-node clusters deployed for only the most critical applications, leaving the majority of applications not clustered at all.

Read this white paper to learn the best ways around these bad habits.

Symantec Corporation
Feb 8, 2021
Dec 27, 2010
White Paper

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