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iPad has exploded onto the scene. Who could have imagined that a tablet (a category introduced in 2001) would capture the imagination of employees and IT alike? But it did, and it’s kicked off an arms race for smart mobile devices. Every day, a new tablet appears: Cisco Cius, Google Chrome OS tablet, Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy Tab, RIM PlayBook, HP “PalmPad,” the list goes on. These post-PC devices will find a place in your company, but where? This short report introduces a simple framework to guide content and collaboration professionals through employee-fueled tablet scenarios and IT-led tablet projects. Download this complimentary report by Forrester Research Inc. entitled How iPads Enter the Workforce and learn how to:

  • Enable employees to exercise their desire to use the best tool for the job
  • Improve business activity by using iPads to replace paper-based activities
  • Develop support and reimbursement models for employee-provisioned devices
  • Safeguard corporate data with proper device management and security models
Feb 8, 2021
Feb 21, 2011
Analyst Report

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