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Many companies have turned to Microsoft SharePoint as a platform for managing information and optimizing business processes. Many organizations are also using the SharePoint Server 2010 platform as the basis for its web content management (WCM) initiatives. Properly implementing SharePoint for WCM, though, requires further decisions about testing and automated publishing procedures, as well as the distribution or centralization of SharePoint servers and farms. This white paper outlines the technological and infrastructural barriers that businesses must overcome to ensure their SharePoint platform can quickly respond to ever-changing needs at "Web speed." The paper covers:

  • The business situation facing many 21st century knowledge workers
  • The inherent conflict between business demands versus IT management
  • Different scenarios for architecting SharePoint environments
  • How third-party tools such as DocAve Replicator can ensure organizations can implement a comprehensive, reliable, and efficient replication strategy to optimize collaboration and increase productivity.
AvePoint, Inc.
Feb 8, 2021
Jul 29, 2011
White Paper

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