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By now it's clear that tape isn't dead and won't be any time soon, although it is clearly ceding a lot of use for data backup, data archiving and disaster recovery (DR) to disk- and cloud-based technologies.

However, tape still has value for storing safe copies of data off-site. Tape storage systems are portable, space- and power-efficient, and have a long shelf life. On the other hand, there are faster ways to restore data. And we've seen that sending tape off-site isn't always secure. So, is it still a good idea to use tape as your off-site storage medium with other options such as data deduplication, data replication and the cloud becoming mainstream?

In this tutorial on off-site tape storage, learn about the best way to store and recover your tape storage, off-site tape storage best practices, tape vaulting, tape backup alternatives and options like cloud backup.

Iron Mountain
Feb 8, 2021
Aug 5, 2011

This resource is no longer available.