Juniper Research defines a mobile ticketing user as “someone who stores a ticket on their mobile phone for later redemption” at the point of travel, the music venue, the cinema etc. The purchase of the ticket does not need to have been initiated on the mobile phone and, more than likely, the main point of purchase for mobile tickets is currently either online at an eCommerce website, via a telephone call centre or alternatively at a physical ticket outlet or kiosk. This is not to say that there will be occasions when the full end-to-end transaction – the purchase, storage and redemption – will all occur on the mobile device. This full end-to-end mobile commerce transaction is the ultimate mobile ticketing solution and we have included this full transaction as part of our market forecasts in this report. In terms of definition of “mobile device”, we make the distinction that the primary function must be mobile telephony. This excludes other mobile devices that have a different primary function such as entertainment, e.g. digital music player or portable games console, or travel, e.g. a GPS (Global Positioning System) enabled mapping device. Ticketing agencies such as Ticketmaster and Tickets.com for entertainment and live events, sporting organisations such as Major League Baseball (MLB) in the USA, and airlines, rail/metro/bus companies are promoting and developing mobile ticketing applications, trials and services. In addition there is a range of vendors that are, in turn, working closely with these organisations to make mobile ticketing happen. This white paper focuses on the technology used in mobile ticketing, and provides a summary of the global market opportunity.