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A workload-optimized system is one that matches architecture to the needs it is purchased for. Systems performance is no longer defined only by the fastest processor or other leading benchmarks, but rather by the ability to deploy new services faster, with higher quality and within financial objectives.

To maximize your investment in systems platforms, though, you must:

  • Use virtualisation
  • Discover different ways to achieve higher quality service
  • And capitalize on superior economics.

IT buyers sometimes approach the solving of these challenges by gravitating toward x86 multi-core architecture without fully evaluating other, superior and less-costly architectures that meet these challenges.

This brief white paper examines why making the right server choices can help solve these challenges. It contrasts x86 multi-cores with Power Systems and mainframes. All are offered by IBM as platform alternatives, and all have their place. Read on to learn how making the right server choices can help an enterprise realize greater ROI while also helping extracting greater business value from the servers that it buys.

Feb 8, 2021
Feb 14, 2012
White Paper

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