Computer Weekly – 5 March 2013: Planning for a 4G future
In this week’s Computer Weekly, now the 4G spectrum auction is over, we look at what happens next for the future of mobile networking. Cloud computing promises to save costs – we examine how to ensure a return on investment. The final part of our buyer’s guide to green computing analyses how to sustain datacentre efficiency improvements as the technology evolves. And we report from the RSA conference on how big data is helping tackle cyber security threats. Read the issue now.
The winners and losers of Ofcom’s 4G spectrum auction
The long-awaited sale of 4G spectrum has finally happened. But what happens next for the mobile operators?
Weighing up cloud costs
One big selling point of cloud is its cost-saving potential. We find out some useful tips on how to achieve a return on cloud investment.
Embracing big data can lead to greater security
The era of big data has arrived and information security professionals need to embrace it if they are to succeed against new and emerging threats.
Buyer’s guide to green computing – part three: Driving datacentre efficiency to meet future demand
Changes can wreak havoc in a datacentre that will outlive generations of servers. How can green facilities stay efficient in the face of IT progress?
Case study: Online gaming site unlocks big data in switch to Hadoop database
Online gaming company King.com has replaced its MySQL database with Cloudera’s Hadoop distribution to cope with big data.
Interview: Wellcome Trust’s IT transformation project enters critical phase in 2013
As the Wellcome Trust enters year two of its five-year IT strategy, head of IT Mark Bramwell is preparing to lead some of the highest profile projects since he joined the charity.
Opinion: SMEs open to public cloud services
Small businesses are willing adopters of cloud technologies, but overwhelming choices and migration complexities are putting many off, writes Andrew Buss, service director of analyst Freeform Dynamics.
This week's Computer Weekly is sponsored by the CW Awards.