Let’s face it, people are, well, more inclined to pay attention to a human with a voice and tangible features rather than that of the face of text or legacy webinar technology that displays death by PowerPoint. So, with that very thought in mind, a survey of 1000+ executives around the world were asked of what their thoughts were on video in the workplace…
It was found that 78% of them said that video is indeed an effective tool for conducting business, but here’s the thing—users prefer a live video versus that of an on-demand video. The problem there is quite evident—live video has misconceptions that it costs more and it is extremely difficult to deliver its content around the world in an effective manner, but thankfully, none of this is true.
Access the following white paper to uncover how leading executives are leveraging the effectiveness of live video for higher sales and customer engagement. Discover the technology to consider and why a live video initiative should be implemented as soon as possible—as the enterprise communication tool to reach investors, your employees, your prospects…your community.