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The more comprehensible that you can make the results of big data analytics, the bigger the benefit for your users. In a recent survey, 74% of respondents assessed the impact of data visualization on business insight as “high” or “very high,” and 67% believed its impact on productivity to be “very high.”

In this report, Dr. T. Alan Keahey and Noah Iliinsky of IBM Business Analytics divulge key factors in creating visualizations that maximize your users’ grasp of their data, and explore the role of advanced visualizations in working with big data. Read on to discover informative answers to the following questions:

  • In selecting the most appropriate visualization for a particular data set, which considerations should you keep in mind?
  • What is the role of visualization in working with and understanding big data?
  • And many more
Feb 8, 2021
Dec 30, 2013

This resource is no longer available.