A Cloud-Ready Infrastructure: A smart organization will want to be sure it is properly preparing a virtualized infrastructure to capitalize on the opportunities that cloud computing presents. While there are many public/hybrid cloud providers to choose from, many organizations are not ready to invest heavily in cloud computing (for a variety of reasons). But, there are steps IT pros can take to ensure that the tools they learn and automated processes they build today won’t need to be scrapped when they move to a hybrid cloud model. This chapter looks at what steps IT professionals ought to prioritize, such as how to effectively creating and managing a hybrid cloud infrastructure, how to exploit the cloud’s benefits without adding unwanted complexities and costs, how to think about vendor lock-in, how to address management concerns about cloud computing, and how to learn to trust a cloud provider. The emphasis is on guidance for creating an infrastructure that’s sufficiently adaptable to handle the future.
IT teams devote considerable time and precious IT dollars to making sure their virtualized infrastructure is efficient. They can’t afford to find themselves with an environment that carries a high total cost of ownership or that can’t adapt to change. Any organization serious about building and maintaining a useful virtualized environment is concerned whether its IT investments are able to respond to advancements in cloud computing and other data center technologies.
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