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Join us on this Webinar where we will show you how effective Next Gen Deception is in countering cyber threats. The intensity, volume and success of breaches is impacting South African organisations almost on a daily basis. Malware and specifically Ransomware is a difficult breach vector to detect before it is too late. On gaining a foothold in your network, Ransomeware will (much like human hackers) use automation to probe your network, engage in propagation, establish CnC channels and execute when ready to do so. It is thus imperative that suspicious activity associated with the malware is detected before execution. Effective next gen fluid deception is exceptionally powerful in detecting this activity before it is too late. It does this by using AI to understand your network, your assets and your standards and then deploying hundreds of decoys and potentially thousands of lures and breadcrumbs across your IT estate in a matter of hours. To propagating malware and human hackers, these fake assets are indistinguishable from your real assets and thus when they scan a decoy or try to connect to it, you are immediately alerted of their presence. The use of high interaction decoys then “engage” the malware or hacker to glean more intelligence on their modus operandi, intention and approach so that you can shut them down before execution.
Nov 2, 2020
Nov 2, 2020, 05:00 EST (10:00 GMT)

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