Artificial Intelligence, For Real

AI is red hot. It’s the biggest hyped trend since … the last one. The four horsemen of the IT apocalypse – mobile, social, cloud, and big data – are now watering their horses while the robot army of artificial intelligence gathers its forces.
For the fashion for AI and its more down-to-earth sub-set, machine learning on big data sets, is not merely hype.
Gathered here is some recent Computer Weekly coverage of AI, showing it realised for business benefit, interacting with the containerisation trend and cyber-security, and cogitated upon with scholarly seriousness.
Learn how companies such as Maersk, Opel and Nestlé are automating their supply chains, using machine learning, blockchain, and 5G; how the container orchestration platform Kubernetes is becoming an AI platform; and how the ethics of AI is an area in which the UK could exercise global hegemony.
Also there is a clutch of stories about some recent IT supplier initiatives in AI – from Google, Microsoft, and IBM, as well as an account of how machine learning-enhanced tools are necessary to keep up with current cyber- threats, but are not perfect and will not solve the security skills gap problem. As ever, there is the human factor.