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The push to commercialize 5G networks is also sharpening the focus on the need to reconsider the security measures that service providers have implemented in their existing mobile networks. And coming to terms with these new requirements is not a trivial feat given how 5G expands service delivery models, introduces a new core reference architecture and even new control plan protocols. To gain detailed insight on how service providers plan to secure 5G networks, Heavy Reading in collaboration with research partners F5 Networks and others, launched a comprehensive survey designed to provide a detailed perspective of service provider strategies. The survey, which attracted input from more than 100 service provider respondents, addressed a broad spectrum of security-related topics including, security service implementation priorities, preferred core architecture, opex and capex implications, as well the value of advanced capabilities that leverage artificial intelligence, control plane interworking and content inspection. This webinar, moderated by Heavy Reading research lead Jim Hodges with subject matter experts from F5 Networks and others will provide a grounded view of the strategies, timeline and concerns that will ultimately determine the steps service providers will take to secure their 5G networks.
Mar 3, 2020
Mar 3, 2020, 14:00 EST (19:00 GMT)

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