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Maintaining and enhancing cloud network visibility has never been more important for driving business results — and yet the challenges to enabling this necessary transparency are quickly evolving and increasingly complex, with 75% of organizations now in need of better network visibility. In a cloudscape of more insidious network threats and sophisticated attackers, how can businesses better protect their workload applications without compromising availability for both users and developers, which is imperative to their organization’s productivity and growth? In this inaugural episode in AWS & Fortinet’s series about next-gen cloud security capabilities, hear from our host and expert guest speakers to learn about best-in-class solutions for cloud network security that help businesses safely enable better transparency for app developers and users — ultimately, driving their organization’s bottom line. Key topics include: -Challenges to maintaining cloud network transparency — and why doing so is critical -Solutions for enabling network security transparency that doesn’t compromise security -Business outcomes of implementing the solutions Presented by Fortinet's Aidan Walden, Global Director of Public Cloud Architecture and Engineering; AWS's Sameer Vasanthapuram, Partner Solutions Architect; and Johna Till Johnson, CEO of Nemertes
Sep 7, 2021
Sep 7, 2021, 11:00 EDT (15:00 GMT)

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