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When organizations need to protect their on-prem networks, IT departments typically turn to old, legacy hardware boxes. These hardware boxes are expensive, hard to manage, and slow. To complicate matters further, legacy approaches to connectivity (re: MPLS) and security (re: on-prem firewalling and DDoS ‘scrubbing centers’) just don’t work for today’s distributed workforce and cloud-hosted applications. Between cloud app adoption growth and the work-from-home mode of operation becoming part of business as usual, the Internet is mission-critical: to share data, solve challenges, and stay connected. But as the importance of the internet increases so too do the risks of cyber threats and network demands. Join this informative webinar where you will hear experts discuss the death of network hardware appliances and how cloud-native architectures can help you continue to provide secure, enterprise-class connectivity. You can expect to learn: 1. The evolution of the network layer to the cloud 2. Modern WAN architectures for on-prem and cloud-hosted workloads 3. How virtual network functions delivered as-a-service enable organizations to increase their agility and reduce overall costs
Dec 3, 2021
Dec 3, 2021

This resource is no longer available.