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Cyber criminals are taking advantage of the increase in remote workers due to the coronavirus, by increasing their attacks on IoT devices. Given 82% of healthcare organizations use IoT, many hospitals and healthcare organizations are exposed. A range of IoT devices are connected to IT and OT networks including IP camera’s, MRI and ultrasound machines, and patient monitors. Unfortunately, connecting IoT devices to the network extends the attack surface providing more entry points for hackers. Join the webinar to learn how to prevent healthcare-related IoT cyber attacks by: •Exposing all IoT security risks across the network •Easily creating zero trust policies to secure thousands of IoT devices •Enforcing multi-layered protections at the network and device levels Can't join this session? Please join us for another session on July 20th at 9 am PST | 12 pm EST:
Jul 20, 2020
Jul 20, 2020, 04:00 EDT (08:00 GMT)

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