The ransomware elimination diet: Threat intelligence is a core ingredient

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According to Centripetal Networks, ThreatOps is the key to making your existing layered defenses 100x more effective against ransomware. So, reader, why and how is this the case?

With neither the staff nor the resources to sort through the storm of alerts and notifications from the complex array of monitoring tools, ThreatOps makes your existing layered defenses more robust and can prevent ransomware.

However, ThreatOps isn’t the only ingredient in this Ransomware Elimination Diet.

Read this e-book to discover the Ransomware Elimination Diet in its full, to learn how to transition from threat intelligence to ThreatOps, to understand how to stop the cyber kill chain, and more.

Centripetal Networks
Jul 2, 2024
Jul 2, 2024
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