Quarterly ransomware report: Latest attack trends

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The Q2 2024 Quarterly Ransomware Research Report from CyberMaxx reveals that the number of successful ransomware and extortion attacks continues to rise, reaching 1,755 in Q2, compared to 1,283 in Q1.

The top 5 threat groups accounted for nearly 40% of the attacks, with Dispossessor emerging as a new major player.

The report dives into the tactics and activities of these ransomware groups, including Dispossessor's use of affiliates and data from other groups, and Lockbit's false claim of breaching the Federal Reserve. It also explores the growing trend of second extortion attempts by unpaid affiliates.

To stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape, read the full report now.

Jul 24, 2024
Jul 24, 2024
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