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In a world of security risks and threats, complexity opens up vulnerabilities. So, how can you best secure your Salesforce workloads without overcomplicating things?

This white paper examines the intricacies of permission configurations in Salesforce Orgs, based on an analysis of over 600,000 permissions. It highlights the challenges of managing an average of 30+ permission sets or profiles per object, with Accounts and Opportunities reaching nearly 50 and 60.

The study finds a 72.6% overlap in permissions, complicating administration and heightening the risk of security issues. Alarmingly, about 30% of permissions allow full CRUD access, potentially circumventing record-level security.

Access the white paper to learn the top strategies to leverage to enhance user management, bolster security, and lessen admin workload in Salesforce Orgs.

Aug 28, 2024
Sep 3, 2024
White Paper

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