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Do you know that your network is under attack every 39 seconds? Do you know that it takes an average of 300 days to detect a ransomware attack or data exfiltration? The ever-changing nature of ransomware oftentimes allows it to slip under the radar of the perimeter, bypass end-point security, and get lost in a bunch of false positives or hide in blind spots in network visibility. That is why it is crucial to detect ransomware at an early stage and act before it harms your organization. Join this webinar to learn: - How NDR and NPMD solutions address these security issues and enable organizations to proactively protect themselves - Discover what a common ransomware scenario looks like from the attacker's perspective - Learn how Kemp's Flowmon solutions are able to detect the ransomware attack several times during its deployment, using a combination of AI, Machine Learning and behavior patterns
May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021, 07:00 EDT (11:00 GMT)

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