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Due to the profitable nature of selling Private Health information (PHI) data, many cyber criminals focused their efforts on the healthcare industry in 2020. In order to safeguard user PHI from exploitation, healthcare firms must therefore never underestimate the importance of securing PHI data versus financial related data. While 2020 can be characterized as the year of COVID-19 and ransomware crises and remote work, the challenges that healthcare organizations faced with data privacy and Proactive Patient Identification before the pandemic have not indicated that 2021 will be any different. The pandemic has impacted the way healthcare professionals offer care to patients and has accelerated usage of telemedicine and telehealth. With this shift in healthcare delivery, physicians rely on tools such as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) to be able access their patient’s charts from anywhere and share information with other healthcare providers and organizations. Join our webinar where we’ll discuss: - How have rapid shifts in telemedicine and telehealth increased privacy and security risks? - What tools are needed to safeguard the financial and personal information delivery of patients? - How do we satisfy the different stakeholders in today's environment and how do we provide a solution that satisfies everyone in these circumstances? - How can healthcare providers provide Secure Network Access to private information? - How can we mitigate threats relating to cloud-based devices? - How do you internally secure PHI information?
Aug 30, 2022
Aug 30, 2022, 10:00 EDT (14:00 GMT)

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