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In the past, networking teams had complete control over their entire network because they were built using physical routers and switches, which made it straightforward to create boundaries around the network. But, in today’s exploded network environment across the Internet and multiple cloud platforms, these boundaries are no longer clear and well defined. With Gartner predicting that “By YE21, network teams will spend 3x more time working in public cloud infrastructure than they do today,” they need new tools to help shift from purely controlling a bounded network, into a world where they provide governance over the dispersed infrastructure. So how do networking teams make the shift from control to governance for managing configurations? This requires a modern solution to successfully address the challenges of Day 0 to Day N network device configuration deployments of existing on-prem infrastructure and cloud-native and SaaS-based networking services. In this webinar, we will explore how the Itential Automation Platform’s latest release provides a modern approach to network configuration and compliance management and demo how Itential can help by: • Providing a simplified, streamlined solution to configuration management for traditional networking devices that can also be applied to cloud-native network services like AWS VPCs or Azure VNets. • Implementing a single Golden Configuration tree that represents a universal baseline configuration, regardless of device location. • Eliminating the need to “swivel chair” by collecting and federating data to ensure a configuration change can take place with the highest quality of information regarding that device and its state in the network. • Applying end-to-end network governance with compliance and remediation across both on-prem & cloud-based network infrastructure.
Mar 23, 2021
Mar 23, 2021, 12:00 EDT (16:00 GMT)

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