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As automation becomes more pervasive in organizations, users are starting to recognize the impact that automation can make in saving time and money as well as improving accuracy. Due to this, automation use cases are evolving from simple changes to more complex operations. However, the challenges most organizations face is how to utilize their automation tools to be as effective in automating complex, multi-domain use cases as they were in automating simple changes. This is becoming clear in scenarios where the number of devices and controllers within most organizations is skyrocketing, such as SD-WAN or Mobile Edge Compute (MEC). With the growth of these technologies, and others such as SDN, NFV, and orchestration – organizations have deployed a wide variety of systems, controllers, and functions to interact with the network. While it may be possible to connect to all of these systems, the problem becomes how to organize and manage the data from these systems so that users (humans) and other systems (machines) can interact with the network in ways that are simple, predictable, and repeatable. This is why data integration, transformation, and federation are crucial components for scaling network automation. Without federation, the NetOps team must contend with a growing and massive disorganized list of elements. Instead of focusing on how to automate network changes, organizations must have a reliable method of how to connect and manage data with simplified access that enables automation for everyone. In this webinar, we will explore how the Itential Automation Platform provides: • A way to address the challenges of complex, multi-domain networks with an API first approach. • Comprehensive transformation and federation capabilities that allows for a unified and abstracted view across your networks as a distributed source of truth. • Low-Code automation studio for simplifying automation and enabling the largest participation possible across your organization.
Apr 13, 2021
Apr 13, 2021, 13:00 EDT (17:00 GMT)

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