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As networks become more complex, the rate of change is exceeding human capacity and automation is needed to scale. Automation provides opportunities to re-engineer business processes and shift from human-centric processes to machine-centric in order to maximize business value. However, given all of the choices involved in selecting and implementing an automation platform, decision makers should focus on evolving their ability to evaluate options and measure the business impact of network automation through creating a metric driven automation strategy. In this webinar, we’ll dive into the following: • Getting started with measuring automation value by selecting the right use cases. • How to measure success factors for an effective automation strategy. • Constructs of a framework for assessing automation value. • Key metrics to consider when evaluating automation solutions. • Considerations for scaling automation strategies to support business objectives.
May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021, 13:00 EDT (17:00 GMT)

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