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With the introduction of network programmability and APIs for everything - from management systems to devices themselves, the modern network landscape has evolved to being managed like software. This shift from hardware-focused networks to a software-centric functions, has had a profound effect on network management techniques and skillsets required to keep pace with the changing ecosystem. This transformation can be difficult, especially given that network automation has typically required technical skills that are not in abundance within many organizations. Simplifying network automation and empowering a broader set of participation through capabilities to easily create and manage automation workflows, presents a key opportunity for organizations to not only mature efforts around network automation, but to also execute against broader business digital transformation objectives. Gartner explains democratization as “providing people with access to technical expertise via a radically simplified experience and without requiring extensive and costly training.” Itential’s primary mission is to provide software that enables network engineers, software developers and IT operations to participate in network automation, bridge the skills gap and enable cross-functional groups to efficiently execute their day to day activities. Itential’s Automation Studio democratizes network automation by providing NetOps teams with the ability to easily design, build and visualize end to end network automations without having to re-tool, build custom code or learn specialized software skills. In this webinar you will learn: • The business needs and objectives that are driving network automation initiatives. • How to easily design, build and visualize end to end network automations with Itential’s Automation Studio. • How solutions such as Itential’s Automation Platform expand participation in network automation and drive digital transformation objectives.
Jul 13, 2021
Jul 13, 2021, 13:00 EDT (17:00 GMT)

This resource is no longer available.