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As organizations engage on their initiatives to deliver network automation at scale, the prioritization of use cases becomes an essential component to maximize and sustain delivery of benefits to the business. Automating large use cases can have a huge impact, but the time and cost to automate those cases means that benefits will take time to manifest. “Low hanging fruit” use cases can show quick success, but the benefits on their own may be modest. This raises a critical question – How do organizations select the network automation uses cases that provide the most impact? In Itential’s experience working with hundreds of service providers and enterprises across the world to automate their networks, their team of automation experts has gained first-hand experience in the evaluation, implementation, and execution of thousands of network automation use cases. In this webinar, Itential's VP of Automation Strategy, Morgan Stern, and Customer Success Manager, Holly Holcomb, will draw on this experience to explore what goes into successful use case selection such as: • The process you should take when selecting the use cases that will drive the most impact to your business. • The most popular use cases organizations like yours are starting with. • How to weigh the benefits of tackling low-hanging fruit vs. making big bets.
Mar 10, 2022
Mar 10, 2022, 12:00 EST (17:00 GMT)

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