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Network teams are all too familiar with the burden of needing to make a configuration change, searching for the backup in multiple places, only to find out that it hasn’t been backed up in months. To avoid these network inconsistencies and eliminating the time-consuming manual process, teams are turning to automation. The biggest challenge network engineers face is how to do automation at scale, while also making it accessible by all. In this demo, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer, Rich Martin, will be joined the gang on The Art of Network Engineering to take them on automation journey with Itential and show them how easy it is to go from simple scripting to self-service. See how you can leverage the Itential Automation Platform along every stage of the journey: • Onboarding and using existing automations. • Automating configuration standardization. • Integrating a federated source of truth. • Enabling scalable enterprise automation.
Dec 7, 2022
Dec 7, 2022, 12:00 EST (17:00 GMT)

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