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Quantum computing is on the brink of revolutionizing technology, but to fully realize its potential, we must overcome significant challenges in scalability, reliability, and efficiency. Entanglement-based quantum networks offer a solution and enable a critical advancement in quantum technology: the interconnection of quantum processing units (QPUs), thereby paving the way towards useful quantum computing. Join Eric Ostby, Chief Product Officer at Aliro, as he guides you through the latest advancements in entanglement-based networking. Discover how these cutting-edge technologies are driving us closer to the reality of powerful quantum computation. In this webinar, you will learn: - The advantages of modular quantum systems over monolithic approaches. - How entanglement-based quantum addresses key challenges in quantum computing, including scalability and reliability. - How entanglement-based quantum networks connecting QPUs are similar / different from entanglement-based networks for secure communication. - How QPUs are actually interconnected via these specialized networks. Organizations who are preparing their businesses and connectivity for the advent of powerful quantum computing are investigating how to plan, design, and implement entanglement-based secure networking solutions today. This webinar will help you prepare for upcoming advancements in quantum computing.
Nov 14, 2024
Nov 14, 2024, 13:00 EST (18:00 GMT)

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