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Enterprise networks are becoming more and more expanded, elastic, and widely dispersed as a result of advances in cloud computing and IoT, which have caused a rapid increase in traffic. Deep network insights are required for the intelligent and effective control of traffic across these networks, and they must be supported by tools that can provide precise, real-time, granular traffic analysis. Graphiant, a leading provider of next-generation edge services, and ipoque have come together to address these challenges. By integrating ipoque’s vector packet processing (VPP)-based DPI engine into the Graphiant Network Edge solution, the technology partnership enables a single point of traffic inspection that greatly improves network performance and security for the enterprise edge, delivering a highly scalable and flexible network ‘as-a-service’ solution for enterprise networks. This webinar shares how the integration of cloud-optimized VPP DPI engine R&S®vPACE powers the Graphiant Network Edge in creating highly-optimized and responsive edge networks. In this webinar, you will: -Understand enterprise networks’ challenges and needs -Discover how application visibility powered by DPI enhances network performance and security -Find out the benefits of VPP-based DPI technology for cloud-based environments -Learn how to combine application visibility and policy control at performance levels for the modern edge to build enterprise networks faster and more efficiently The webinar includes a demo of ipoque’s VPP DPI engine R&S®vPACE and Graphiant’s Network Edge service solution.
Mar 13, 2024
Mar 13, 2024, 20:00 EDT (00:00 GMT)

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