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The webinar highlighted the crucial role of private 5G/LTE networks in advancing enterprise connectivity. Moderated by Hema Kadia, the panel included expert insights from leaders at GXC, Intel, Dell Technologies, and Dejero. They examined the current landscape, future projections, and strategic considerations for implementing private networks. Hitesh Solanki from GXC addressed challenges and solutions in enterprise networking, underscoring the necessity of reliable and secure connectivity. He introduced Onyx, GXC’s premier private network solution, outlining its operational cost savings and strategic advantages for enterprise use. Manav Bhalla from Intel discussed Intel’s contributions beyond chip manufacturing, focusing on ecosystem and technology integration for private 5G/LTE network solutions. He emphasized the need for flexible, scalable solutions tailored to various enterprise requirements. Greg Burrill from Dell Technologies emphasized infrastructure and integration, explaining how Dell supports private 5G/LTE networks with robust ecosystems and advanced server technologies. Jehan Karim from Dejero wrapped up the panel by discussing the importance of multi-transport connectivity in private networks, highlighting the need for seamless integration across diverse technological platforms and environments.
Jul 22, 2024
Jul 22, 2024, 15:24 EDT (19:24 GMT)

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